Muzaffarpur smart city website “”

MuzaffarpurSmart city featured image

Muzaffarpur Smart City

As you all know Muzaffarpur has been listed to be smart city. From 2017, we are in progress for becoming smart city. This time the official site of Muzaffarpur smart city has been launched as “”.

Many Vacancies are coming in Muzaffarpur Smart City Limited. You can find the vacancies at Nagar Nigam official website and Muzaffarpur official website. We also provide update on that regularly.

Muzaffarpur mART cITY hEADER official

Muzaffarpur smart city Limited company basic details follows as :

MUZAFFARPUR SMART CITY LIMITED‘s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U93090BR2017SGC036592. You can contact them by sending an email to [email protected] or visit them at their registered address C/O:MUZAFFARPUR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SPECAIL OFFICER, MZP MUNICIPALITY MUZAFFARPUR Muzaffarpur BR IN 842001.

MUZAFFARPUR SMART CITY LIMITED is a Public incorporated on 18-12-2017. It is classified as a State Govt company and is registered at RoC-Patna. Their state of registration is Bihar. Its authorized share capital is 4000000000.00 and its paid-up capital is 1000000.00.

Current status of is – Active.

Basic Information

CIN : U93090BR2017SGC036592
Date of Incorporation : 18-12-2017
Registered State : Bihar
Registrar of Companies :  RoC-Patna
Category : Company limited by Shares
Sub Category : State Govt company
Company Class : Public
Company Status : Active

Share Capital Information

Authorized Capital : 4000000000.00
Paidup Capital : 1000000.00

Contact Information

Email ID : [email protected]

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