HomeRecent NewsMuzaffarpur Nagar Nigam deployed 3 Anti-smog guns in the city Muzaffarpur Nagar Nigam deployed 3 Anti-smog guns in the city January 19, 2022Muzaffarpur City Muzaffarpur Nagar Nigam deployed 3 Anti-smog guns in the city today as part of the measures being taken to control pollution. Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Waste Management Center Muzaffarpur – Run by Nagar Nigam Muzaffarpur Waste Management Center Muzaffarpur – Run by Nagar Nigam Muzaffarpur ये तस्वीरें हैं मुजफ्फरपुर नगर निगम द्वारा निर्मित व संचालित… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
My City Muzaffarpur – Looks Fabulous when it Rains! Superb work! O God! Help the Administrators of Muzaffarpur. In Muzaffarpur, we can only witness Water and Water in Rainy time. We… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Muzaffarpur Police now on WhatsApp and Facebook A New way to Police giri Well, time changing and we are in technological advancement period. we want every thing… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...