Dispose of all the applications filed for filing soon
DM Pranab Kumar on Thursday reviewed the revenue matters with all the zonal officials through video conferencing. He reviewed the…
Latest Muzaffarpur News covering Business, Education, Sports, Crime, Politics & Heritage.
DM Pranab Kumar on Thursday reviewed the revenue matters with all the zonal officials through video conferencing. He reviewed the…
जिले में पंचायत चुनाव प्रक्रिया के तहत मंगलवार को वार्डवार मतदाता सूची के प्रारूप का प्रकाशन कर दिया गया है।…
In Bihar, under the Chief Minister Dress Scheme, school children will now purchase clothes from livelihood groups and clusters associated…
The world’s largest vaccination is going to begin in India to end the corona virus epidemic from January 16, but…
The Centre in a release stated that vaccine doses will be administered to nearly 30 million healthcare and frontline workers…
Months later, the Janata Durbar has started organizing in the district. DM Dr. Chandra Shekhar Singh met people in his…
Rain Water Awareness Campaign launched in Muzaffarpur in presence of DDC,Muzaffarpur and other officials.
इंडियन रेलवे फाइनेंस कॉरपोरेशन लिमिटेड के CSR कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत दिव्यांगजन उपकरण वितरण समारोह का आयोजन स्थानीय डीआरसीसी भवन में…
Bihar: Highest single day spike of 3,992 Corona positive cases reported In Bihar, a record 3,992 Corona positive cases were…
मुज़फ़्फ़रपुर एवम संपूर्ण उत्तर बिहार के चमकी बुखार से मर चुके सैकड़ों मासूमों पर चुप्पी साधने पर भगवानपुर गोलंबर पर…