Easelife Multi Services www.easelife.in Aghoria Bazar Amgola Road Muzaffarpur

easelife servicesEaselife Multiservices

An online services Portal : www.easelife.in

This company is making an advertisement in Local daily referring the following services :

1. Online money transfer across all the Banks .
2. Recharge to all the company phones through online and SMS.
3. Aadhar Card, Udyog Aadhar Registration, Pan Card, Voter ID, Passport Sewa.
4. Residential, Caste and Income Certificate.
5. Insurance of Vehicles.
6. Income tax Return.
7. Website and Bulk SMS.

They are asking from local counters if they are interested in all these services. well, Muzaffarpurcity.com want to make you aware that these services are already being provided by government of India at free of cost. so, never go for money, these facilities are free from net.

well, inspite of all that if you want to avail these all facilities. You can visit –

Mani Square E-services,

Kalambagh Chowk, Muzaffarpur – 842001.

2 thoughts on “Easelife Multi Services www.easelife.in Aghoria Bazar Amgola Road Muzaffarpur

  1. Easelife all service portal lena hai .sho kitna rupaya me portal start ho jayega plese call me
    Mobile 8540055107

  2. Mini ATM,DMR & POS K retailor & Distributor k leya details Jankare Commission chart k sath share Kare. Joy ke mai distributor banna chata ho.

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