Muzaffarpur to Deoghar : Train Service Details with Kaawar and Saawan Special

Muzaffarpur to BabaDham (Deoghar)

1. Train Services :-
In North Bihar, there is only one Train that runs specially for Deoghar from Muzaffarpur Connecting East Champran, West Champran, Darbhanga, Samastipur, Barauni .

Bhagalpur Intercity fast Passenger  Details ; Timing ;
There are 9 General Coaches in this Train, having only one Sleeper Coach. Timing of the Train is 11 PM .
Special Trains will run from Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga and Gaya to Jasidih but not to Sultanganj
2. Electronic Kaawar in Muzaffarpur
As the Saawan is coming nearer , the sale of Kaawar is also rising up (Increasing) .
In 2011, there is a craze of Designer Kaawar  . Designer Kaawar have the lighting systems with the special effects of Ganga Jal .
Electronic Kawar will be available soon as the items are in midway of Shipping.
The Price of Kaawars have been doubled . Lumsome  sale of Kaawar is about 6 to 7 lakh a Year.
Rate of Different Kaawars:-
1. Normal Kaawar : Rs 100- 110/-
2. Special Vaulted Kaawar – Rs .150-200/-
3. Mandir Designated  Kaawar -Rs: 200/-
4. Electronic Kaawar :- Rs. 250-500/-
for Buying Kaawars you have to Reach 
SaraiyaGanj in Muzaffarpur
Map to Show : How to reach Deoghar.

© Photo credit : All images taken by Naveen choudhary : [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Muzaffarpur to Deoghar : Train Service Details with Kaawar and Saawan Special

  1. All photographs used in this article are clicked by me. No credit given. Infact you have mentioned your name in it. Please remove or give credits to naveenchoudhary

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