HomeBulletinDengue Hotspot in Ahiyapur Muzaffarpur मुजफ्फरपुर का अहियापुर बना डेंगू का हॉट स्पाट, मिले 12 मरीज ! Dengue Hotspot in Ahiyapur Muzaffarpur मुजफ्फरपुर का अहियापुर बना डेंगू का हॉट स्पाट, मिले 12 मरीज ! November 18, 2021Muzaffarpur City मुजफ्फरपुर का अहियापुर बना डेंगू का हॉट स्पाट, मिले 12 मरीज ! जिला स्वास्थ्य विभाग को 27 मरीजों की सूची एसकेएमसीएच ने दी है ! सिविल सर्जन विनय कुमार शर्मा ने बताया कि पूरे ज़िले में जनवरी से अभी तक कुल 27 केस प्रिवेदित हुए है ! Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Jeevika didis will made dress for school childrens in Bihar Nitish government approved this scheme in Cabinet meeting In Bihar, under the Chief Minister Dress Scheme, school children will now purchase clothes from livelihood groups and clusters associated… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
RTPS Counter at Nagar Nigam Muzaffarpur – Apply online for Caste, Income and Residence Certificates Right to Public Service Muzaffarpur RTPS is short form of Right to Public Service, Public Service mainly concern with list… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Nitish Kumar said – Bihar will develop on the lines of Champaran Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar reached the Agricultural Market Committee of Chanpatia on Thursday to inspect the newly launched startup… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...