HomeBulletinDaylight Hospital and Research Institute in Muzaffarpur Daylight Hospital and Research Institute in Muzaffarpur February 20, 2021Muzaffarpur City मुजफ्फरपुर के गौशाला रोड स्थित डेलाइट अस्पताल एवं शोध संस्थान का उद्घाटन करते हुए। Daylight Hospital and Research Institute in Muzaffarpur Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Solar powered Smart Anganwadi at Muzaffarpur Inauguration invite of portable AWC Join us tomorrow for the tele-inauguration of a solar powered Smart Anganwadi at Muzaffarpur, Bihar… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Farmers Protest at Muzaffarpur (Bihar) district magistrate office किसान आंदोलन के समर्थन में तथा ग्रामीण मजदूरों के सवाल पर मुजफ्फरपुर, बिहार जिलाधिकारी कार्यालय पर धरना Protest in support… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...
Muzaffarpur is becoming Crime Hotspot in 2021 The early trends in Muzaffarpur Crime Statistics is not good. With in a week we have witnesses many Crimes such… Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmailTelegramLike this:Like Loading...