What advice would you give to someone who is moving to Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India?


muzaffarpur juction.I love the place. I was born and brought up there. It is slowly catching up to the city trends. Recently a shopping mall was opened so finally there is a hangout place. I am living away from home now for more than 10 years. Based on my experience of living both in Muzaffarpur and away from it I will say the following things:

  1. Buy a mosquito net the moment you reach there and also keep Odomos as a back up plan.
  2. Be prepared for the power cuts.
  3. Rainy season will show you what is the peak of water clogging.
  4. Traffic jams exist and yes people have a problem of honking.
  5. But living expense will be dirt cheap in comparison to big cities.
  6. If you love books, be ready to be disappointed since there are shops for academic books but nothing else.
  7. Street food is good and cheap.
  8. People are helpful.
  9. Movie hall at the mall has started , Big Bazaar and Cinepolis has been started . If not then you would have a miserable time if you are a movie buff or you can have a time of your life. Totally depends on your perspective.
  10. If you are into cricket, you can find cricket buddies if you visit either the L S College ground or chakkar maidan or zila school ground.
  11. Don’t miss out on Shahi Litchi. That’s one thing which Muzaffarpur is famous for..

Article taken by

Anisha Singh, Born and brought up in Muzaffarpur.

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